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Tono,Pen 眼压计测量人角膜不同部位眼压的比较

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-13 10:55:32 中华眼科在线

   【摘要】目的:用TonoPen眼压计测量人眼角膜中央、旁中央、角巩缘部位眼压值,比较不同部位值的差异及相关性。方法:正常角膜用TonoPen眼压计依次测量角膜中心、旁中心、角膜缘眼压值,方差分析不同部位眼压的差异,分析结果的相关性。结果: TonoPen 眼压计检测得出的眼压平均值角膜中央为16.28±2.73mmHg,旁中央为16.33±2.69mmHg,角巩缘为16.58±2.58mmHg.角膜中心与旁中心的相关系数r=0.966,P=0.000,角膜中心与角膜缘的相关系数为r=0.897,P=0.000,角膜旁中心与角膜缘的相关系数为r=0.910,P=0.000。不同部位眼压值差异没有显著性(F=0.093,P=0.913>0.05)。结论:不同部位眼压值密切相关,差异没有统计学意义。TonoPen眼压计测量不同部位眼压均可取得较为一致的结果。

   【关键词】  TonoPen眼压计;角膜;眼压

  Comparison of intraocular pressures at different points of humans cornea with TonoPen tonometer

  XinYu Li, Jing Li, Lei Liu, MingHong Wang

  Refractive Center, the Affiliated Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, Hubei Province, China

  Correspondence to:XinYu Li. Refractive Center, the Affiliated Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, Hubei Province, China. [email protected]

  AbstractAIM: To explore the difference and correlation of the intraocular pressures (IOP) at different points in humans cornea measured by TonoPen tonometer.METHODS: The IOP were measured by TonoPen tonometer at central cornea, pericentral cornea and corneoscleral limbus. Analysis of variance and linear correlation were used respectively to evaluate the difference and correlation of IOP at different points of cornea.RESULTS: The IOP obtained from central cornea, pericentral cornea and corneoscleral limbus by TonoPen tonometer were 16.28±2.73mmHg, 16.33±2.69mmHg and 16.58±2.58mmHg respectively. There was significant correlation between the IOP at central cornea and at pericentral cornea(r=0.966,P=0.000); while the correlation coefficient between IOP at central cornea and at corneal limbus was 0.897(P=0.000), and the correlation coefficient between IOP at pericentral cornea and at corneal limbus was 0.910(P=0.000). There was no statistical difference between the IOP obtained from different points of cornea (F=0.093, P=0.913>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Consistent IOP values could be obtained fromdifferent points of cornea by TonoPen tonometer, and there wassignificant correlation and no statistical difference with between IOP at different locations of cornea.

  KEYWORDS:TonoPen tonometer; cornea; intraocular pressure 
Li XY, Li J, Liu L, et al.


    TonoPen 眼压计是一种新型压平式眼压计,具有体积小,重量轻,携带方便等优点。因其测压头接触角膜的直径仅为1.02mm ,可以对眼角膜不同部位进行测量,不同部位眼压测量值是否有差异?我们进行了相应的检测及统计学分析,现将结果报告如下。



  本组选择来本院眼屈光中心就诊要求近视治疗的患者50例100眼,男21例42眼,女29例58眼,年龄18~41岁。无角膜病变,无全身系统性疾病史,  无青光眼家族史。


  所有患者取仰卧位,由同一人进行眼压测量。TonoPen XL接触式眼压计(Mentor公司,美国)于每天测量前进行校正, 4g/L倍诺喜表麻剂滴眼1次, 2min后测量。先右后左,依次测量角膜中央、旁中心(角膜中心和9点钟角膜缘间中点)、角膜缘处眼压,测量前首先校准,使眼压计的液晶屏上显示“GOOD”字样,连续2 次表明校准成功,取变异系数小于5%的IOP 值。
  统计学处理:采用SPSS12.0 软件行方差分析及相关分析, P<0.05认为差异有显著性意义。

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