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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-7-24 13:47:36 中华眼科在线

    【摘要】  目的  探讨糖尿病患者白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶体植入手术的疗效及安全性。方法  对87例(135眼)糖尿病患者行白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶体植入术,以80例(133眼)非糖尿病患者老年性白内障作对照组。结果  术后视力>0.5,糖尿病组合并视网膜病变者15眼,占41.7%,未合并视网膜病变者89眼,占89.9%;非糖尿病组124眼,占93.2%。糖尿病组未合并视网膜病变者与非糖尿病组差异无显著性(P>0.05);合并视网膜病变者与非糖尿病组差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。对合并视网膜病变者大部分于术后3周~2个月进行激光治疗,随访3~12个月,全部保存了有用视力。结论  对糖尿病患者施行白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶体植入手术是安全的,手术可提高视力,更重要的是有利于眼底观察,为及时治疗视网膜的病变提供了条件。

  【关键词】  糖尿病;超声乳化;白内障
  The cataract phacoemulsification for the patients with diabetes mellitus
  XING Shu-hui,LIU Shi,ZHANG Wei-zhong.
  Xian Military Center of Opthalmology,Xian 710043,China
  【Abstract】  Objective  To discuss the effect and security of cataract phacoemulsification sucked association with intraocular lens implantation for the patient with diabetes mellitus.Methods  To operate cataract phacoemulsification sucked association with intraocular lens implantation for 87(summation 135 eyes) patients with diabetes mellitus, eighty(summation 133 eyes) normal patients as comparison.Results  Among these people whose sight after operation exceeds 0.5, there are 41.7% summation 15 eyes of that patients who merger lesion of fundus oculi in the group of diabetes mellitus,and were 89.9% summation 89 eyes of patients who did not merger lesion of fundus oculi, as contrast there were 93.2% summation 124 eyes in the normal group. There was no significant difference between the group of diabetes mellitus not mergering lesion of fundus oculi and comparison group (P>0.05), but had significant difference between the group of diabetes mellitus mergering lesion of fundus oculi and normal group (P<0.01). For the patients mergering lesion of fundus oculi in the period of Ⅱ, we had treated them with laser therapy for 3 weeks to 2 months, with follow-up for 3 to 12 months, and found that all of them had utility sight.Conclusion  It is security to operate cataract phacoemulsification sucked association with intraocular lens implantation for the patients with diabetes mellitus, and the operation can improve the sight of patients.The more important is that it is advantageous for observation of fundus oculi, so we can treat the retinal lesion in time.
  【Key words】  diabetes mellitus;phacoemulsification;cataract


  1  资料与方法

  1.1  一般资料  因糖尿病所致糖尿病性白内障在临床上较少见,本组病例为糖尿病2型患者并存老年性白内障。糖尿病组87例(135眼),年龄41~89岁,平均65.6岁;非糖尿病组80例(133眼),年龄44~91岁,平均67岁。两组患者病例数、性别、年龄相似。术前视力光感~0.5。糖尿病组,术前通过直接或间接检眼镜检查眼底(术前眼底无法窥入者,术后早期检查眼底),发现合并糖尿病性视网膜病变者36眼。手术前血糖控制在10mmol/L以下。

  1.2  手术方法  两组患者均在表麻下行白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶体植入术,采用自闭式角巩膜隧道切口,环行撕囊6mm左右,水分离,在劈核刀的协助下,囊袋超声粉碎晶体核,抽吸残留皮质,扩大切口,植入5.5mm人工晶体于囊袋内,调至水平位,置换前房,恢复眼压,切口不缝合。两组患者均为门诊手术,并由同一医生完成,术后第一天复诊,科恒眼液点眼治疗,如需要时,局部注射地塞米松2.5mg,随访3个月~1年。

  2  结果

  2.1  术后视力  术后3个月随访视力,见表1。

  表1  术后3个月视力情况  (略)


  2.2  手术并发症  见表2。

  表2  手术并发症  (略)

  2.3  术后眼底观察  在术后随访观察中,发现糖尿病性视网膜病变加重者7眼,术后出现糖尿病视网膜病变者2眼。

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