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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-12-22 10:17:02 中华眼科在线

  作者:S C Reddy, I Tajunisah, T Rohana    作者单位:(作者单位:马来西亚吉隆坡,马来亚大学医学院眼科)

  【摘要】  患者,50岁,女,患有无痛性Wegener肉芽肿病,侵犯肺部及鼻窦,双侧穿孔性巩膜软化,双侧周边角膜变薄(接触镜角膜)及单侧眼眶炎症。患者初次诊断为系统性疾病后存活12a,左眼球外伤后穿孔,直到最后一次复诊右眼球没有穿孔。

  【关键词】  Wegener肉芽肿;穿孔性巩膜软化;周边角膜变薄;眼球前

  2010 World Congress in Berlin

  The next World Ophthalmology Congress will be June 59, 2010, in Berlin, hosted by the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) and cohosted by the German Academy of Ophthalmology (AAD).2010 WOC President Gerhard Lang, MD, reported to the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) in Hong Kong on plans for the Congress, which will incorporate XXXII World Ophthalmology Congress, the 108th Congress of the DOG and AAD 2010.

  2008 WOC Scientific Program Director Stephen Ryan, MD, will work with Professor Gabriele Lang, MD, on the scientific program for Berlin, with Congress General Secretary Anselm Kampik, MD, organizing the program for the AAD. The 2010 WOC will also offer subspecialty days and instruction courses.

  The main social event will be a Bavarianstyle Octoberfest, to be called the WOCtoberfest. For more information, see www.woc2010.de.

  The World Ophthalmology Congress was previously held in Germany in Heidelberg in 1888 and Munich in 1966.

  (quote from www.icoph.org/congress/index.html#berlin)·Case report·

  Bilateral ocular coloboma associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate

  Pinar Saatci1, Aylin Yaman2, Mahmut Kaya2, Handan akmakci3, Salih Kavukcu4, Ali

  Osman Saatci2

  1Dental Hospital, Ministery of Health, Konak, Izmir, Turkey

  2Department of Ophthalmology, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir,Turkey

  3Department of Radiology, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir,Turkey

  4Department of Pediatrics, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir,Turkey


  The authors describe a 2monthold boy with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate. On examination, he had bilateral inferior iris colobomas, vitreous veils, optic disc and choroid colobomas. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) revealed bilateral colobomatous microphthalmia, retrobulber cysts and thinned optic nerves. Every infant with cleft lip and palate should be examined by an ophthalmologist to detect possible associated ocular abnormalities.

  KEYWORDS: cleft lip and palate, colobomatous micropthalmia, retrobulber cyst


  Saatci P, Yaman A, Kaya M, akmakci H, Kavukcu S, Saatci AO. Bilateral ocular coloboma associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2009;9(7):12431244


  Cleft lip and/or palate is one of the most common congenital anomalies of the head and neck region. The majority of them is believed to be caused by the multifactorial inheritance whereby several genes act in concert with enviromental agents[1,2]. Its association with ocular abnormalities is rare. The subject of this report is a 2monthold boy with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate who also had bilateral inferior iris colobomas, vitreous veils, optic disc and choroid colobomas. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) revealed bilateral colobomatous microphthalmia, retrobulber cysts and thinned optic nerves. Every infant with cleft lip and palate should be examined by an ophthalmologist to detect possible associated ocular abnormalities.

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