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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-29 9:55:23 中华眼科在线


  陶海1 ,马志中2 ,吴海洋1,侯世科1 ,王朋1,王伟1,韩毳1


  作者单位:1(100039)中国北京市,武警总医院眼科;2(100083)中国北京市,北京大学第三医院 北京大学眼科中心


  通讯作者:陶海[email protected]


  Applied anatomy of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue
Hai Tao1, Zhi-Zhong Ma2, Hai-Yang Wu1, Shi-Ke Hou1, Peng Wang1, Wei Wang1, Cui Han1

  Foundation item: Supported by Armed Police Medical Research Grant (No. WJ 200612)

  1Department of Ophthalmology, Armed Police General Hospital, Beijing 100039, China;2Ophthalmic Center, the Third Hospital of Peking University, Beijing 100083, China

  Correspondence to: Hai Tao. Department of Ophthalmology, Armed Police General Hospital, Beijing 100039, China. [email protected]



  AIM: To study applied microsurgical anatomy of lacrimal duct and to provide detailed knowledge of this region for the surgery of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue.

  METHODS: Forty optic lacrimal duct specimens in 20 fixed human cadaver heads were observed and measured under the operating microscope. The profiles of lacrimal sac and nasolacriamal duct were traced on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. The diameters and depths of lacrimal fossa, and its thickness of inner wall were detected. The calibers of upper opening, middle part and lower opening of nasolacrimal canal were measured, and the transverse area was calculated according to the ellipse proportion formula. Horizontal distance, 30 oblique distance, 45 oblique distance from lacrimal caruncle to lateral wall of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac were determined, respectively. The distance from lacrimal caruncle to upper opening of lacrimal canal and its oblique angle were measured. The detailed anatomic relations among these structures were carefully identified.

  RESULTS: The length, width and depth of lacrimal fossa were 17.85±1.72mm,6.74±1.28mm,3.09±0.78mm,respectively. At middle one-third, the thickness of the lacrimal fossa wall at anterior lacrimal crest, vertical middle line, posterior lacrimal crest was 4.03±0.89 mm,0.61±0.36 mm,0.63±0.24mm, respectively. Anterior lacrimal crest was the thickest (F test,P<0.05), the part of vertical middle line and posterior lacrimal crest ( i.e. the center and posterior middle part of lacrimal fossa) was thinner, and there was no significant difference between two parts (Q test, P>0.05). The transverse area at upper opening, middle part and lower opening of the nasolacrimal canal were 29.04±3.40mm2,26.19±2.96mm2,43.50±5.60mm2, respectively, showing that middle part was the narrowest (Q test, P<0.05). Horizontal distance, 30ooblique distance, 45ooblique distance from lacrimal caruncle to lateral wall of the nasal cavity were 17.23±0.70mm, 14.51±1.72mm, 17.34±2.38mm, respectively,30ooblique distance was the shortest (F test, P<0.05). Comparing horizontal distance with 45ooblique distance, there was no significant difference (Q test, P>0.05). The distance from lacrimal caruncle to upper opening of lacrimal canal was 11.86 1.84mm (9.58-13.5 mm), its oblique angle was 49.9±1.8(48-54 ).

  CONCLUSION: The distance from lacrimal caruncle to lateral wall of the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac are helpful and with guidance significance for deciding the place of making bony hole, tunnel oblique angle and the lengths of of autogenous tissue graft. Making bony hole shall start at middle or posterior middle part and extend to lower and front part, 45 is the best tunnel oblique angle. The length of tissue graft for total lacrimal duct reconstru-ction should be longer than 21.22mm. 

  KEYWORDS: lacrimal duct reconstruction; microsur-gical anatomy; endoscopic transnasal dacryocystorhino-stomy; autogenous tissue grafting

  Tao H, Ma ZZ, Wu HY, et al. Applied anatomy of endoscopic transnasal lacrimal duct reconstruction with grafting of autogenous tissue. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2008;8(6):1203-1207




  结果:泪囊窝的长径为(17.85±1.72)mm ,泪囊窝的前后径为(6.74±1.28)mm,深度为(3.09±0.78)mm。泪囊窝中1/3部在泪前嵴、泪囊窝骨壁中垂线和泪后嵴的厚度分别为(4.03±0.89)mm,(0.61±0.36)mm,(0.63±0.24)mm,泪前嵴最厚(F检验,P<0.05),泪囊窝骨壁中垂线处和泪后嵴(即:泪囊窝中央和中央偏稍后部)均较薄,两者比较差异具无显著性意义(Q检验,P>0.05)。骨性鼻泪管上口、中部和下口横截面积分别为(29.04±3.40)mm2,(26.19±2.96)mm2,(43.50±5.60)mm2,显示中段最为狭窄(Q检验,P<0.05)。泪阜-鼻腔水平距、30°斜距和45°斜距分别为(17.23±0.70)mm,(14.51±1.72)mm,(17.34±2.38)mm,30°斜距最短,30°斜距和45°斜距比较差异无显著性意义(Q检验,P>0.05)。泪阜到鼻泪管上口距离为(11.86±1.84)mm,泪阜到鼻泪管上口连线与鼻底平面的夹角为49.9°±1.8°(48.0°~54°)。





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