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Clinical Biomarkers and Immunology of Autoimmune Uveitis

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-22 11:17:19 中华眼科在线

Peizeng Yang

Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University

T-cell-dependent immunological events are increasingly considered to play an important role in autoimmune uveitis. Several studies have also shown that macrophages are major effectors of tissue damage in uveitis, particularly in granulomatous uveitis. B-cells seem more to relate to tissue repair and scar formation. Neutrophils can be essential in pathogenesis of certain uveitis such as Behcet disease. These inflammatory cells release various cytokines and chemokines in the eyes, sometimes even systemically into the blood of patients suffering from uveitis. We have reported an elevation of IL-23 in serum and IL-23p19 mRNA in peripheral blood monocytes (PBMCs) of patients with active Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease patients. Furthermore, increased IL-17 was also found in the supernatant of polyclonally stimulated PBMC and CD4-T cells from these patients. Recent advances in cytokine analysis, in particular multiplexed bead immunoassays, have allowed the measurement of an extensive array of cytokines and chemokines from very small sample volumes. This has revolutionized uveitis research, enabling measurement of a large profile of cytokines and chemokines in intraocular fluid, such as aqueous humour. This allows us to recognize complex patterns of cytokines and chemokines from different forms of uveitis and to examine relationships between different molecules. Many of these molecules are also found in experimental uveitic models and may represent potential diagnostic and/or therapeutic targets for the future.






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