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Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome: A High Risk...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-12 11:16:14 中华眼科在线

  青光眼             2311                                      PO0515

  Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome: A High Risk Factor for Normal Tension Glaucoma

  Tommy Y. Lin Yun-Hsiang Yang Jau-Der Ho Nen-Chung Chang
wufu eye clinic Taipei Medical University Hospital

  Purpose: Determining the increase prevalence of normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) syndrome.

  Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted of patient records from April 2003 through April 2006 in the Taipei Medical University Hospital and Wu-Fu Eye Clinic registry.  Analysis included age, gender, blood pressure, intraocular pressure, fundus, visual field, clinical symptoms and signs and Echocardiography examination.  219 patients were diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse syndrome.

  Results: After three years, 26 out of the 219 patients diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse syndrome did not continue clinical treatment. The results of the study from the remaining 193 patients include the following:

  165 eyes of 193 patients (42.85%) were diagnosed with normal tension glaucoma.

  78 eyes of 193 patients (20.20%) had normal tension glaucoma suspect.

  15 eyes of 193 patients (3.88%) had angle-closure glaucoma.
128 eyes of 193 patients (33.16%) were diagnosed without glaucoma.

  Conclusions: A relationship between MVP syndrome and NTG exists but the pathophysiological mechanisms linking these conditions are undefined.

  MVP syndrome was associated with a substantial increase in normal tension glaucoma.This novel combination of in clinic symptoms offers a new approach to investigate the cause of the risk by which mitral valve prolapse syndrome promotes normal tension glaucoma.


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