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http://www.cnophol.com 2011-1-26 10:07:47 中华眼科在线

  【摘要】 目的:研制一种能够自动、精确地测量出不同程度代偿头位的检查装置。方法:根据人头、颈部生理活动特点,利用液态罗盘能精确记录不同轴向活动范围的性能,将其安装在头盔中研制成头位倾斜自动测量仪。测量仪主要由感应器(液态罗盘部)、头盔、数据处理器、稳压装置等组成。头、颈部活动时,活动范围的大小由埋置在头盔内的感应器感知,经数据线传向数据处理装置,即电子计算机,经过瞬间的数据处理而得出头颈部活动范围的结果,此结果与自制的带有刻度盘的头颈部可自由活动的模特型具进行比较,验证检测数据的准确性。结果:将模特型具头部配戴装有液态罗盘的头盔装置,转动前在自动测量仪上记录保存此时的检测数值,然后将模特头部按自身所带的刻度盘进行三维的不同角度扭转,再分别在自动测量仪上与刻度盘上记录扭转后的数值,转动后与转动前数据的差值即为头位的倾斜角度值,两项记录的差值≤1°。结论:该仪器能简单而精确地对人头、颈部活动进行三维空间方向的测量,且测量范围远较人体头颈部的生理活动范围大。已获国家实用发明专利(专利号:200820022027.0)。

  【关键词】 代偿头位;测量仪;斜视

  Design of an automatic compensatory head posture measuring instrument

  YanFeng Shang, ChunHua Dai,YiQiang Wang, HuaQing Gong

  Qingdao Eye Hospital, Shandong Eye Institute, Qingdao 266071, Shandong Province, China

  Correspondence to:HuaQing Gong.Qingdao Eye Hospital, Shandong Eye Institute, Qingdao 266071, Shandong Province, [email protected]

  Received:20100625 Accepted:20100804


  AIM: To develop a type of measuring instrument which is capable of automatically, accurately measuring the varying degrees of compensatory head posture.

  METHODS: According to the physiological characteristics of human head and neck, we put the liquid compass in the helmet for the development of automatic compensatory head posture measuring instrument, for the electronic liquid compass can accurately record different axial range of activities. The measuring instrument was mainly composed of inductor (liquid compass department), helmet, data processor and voltage regulator devices. The range of the activity of head and neck was perceived by the inductor embedded in the helmet, the change was conducted to the data processor through a data line, and the result was recorded after instant dataprocessing. This result was compared with the range on the dial installed on the model to verify the accuracy of the data.

  RESULTS: The helmet was put on the models head and the data was recorded on the automatic compensatory head posture measuring instrument at that time, then the models head was turned in three dimensional directions; and the data were recorded respectively. The difference between pre and postrotation was the final data. To check the data against the dial on the model, we found that the error didnt exceed 1 degree.

  CONCLUSION: The automatic compensatory head posture measuring instrument plays an important role in clinical practice. It is a simple way to accurately measure threedimensional orientation of head and neck, and it has a much larger measuring range than the physiological range of the activity of human head and neck. It has won the National Invention Patent of China (Patent Application No. 200820022027.0).

  KEYWORDS: compensatory head posture; measuring instrument; strabismus

  Shang YF, Dai CH, Wang YQ, et al. Design of an automatic compensatory head posture measuring instrument. Int J Ophthalmol

  (Guoji Yanke Zazhi) 2010;10(9):17071709

  头位与眼位的关系,无论在眼科学领域还是人体工学领域都有十分重要的意义。代偿头位的测定是眼科临床上经常使用的一项检查,对于疾病的诊断、治疗效果的评价等都具有重要的参考意义。目前,临床上多采用直接目测法或弧形视野计法测量头位扭转程度,其精确性、客观性、可重复性、自动化程度等均较差。对于具有代偿头位先天性眼球震颤的手术指征的确定、手术方案的选择及术后效果的判定都缺乏量化指标,这使得眼肌学医师难以准确地制定手术方案,因此,手术效果也较难以预测。我们受航天、军事工业中传感技术的启发,根据液态罗盘的原理(Digital Compass Solutions,Solid State Electronics Center, Minnesota,U.S.A)研发了一种姿态传感装置,可用于临床上具有代偿头位的患者歪头程度的精确测量。




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