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Effects of hydralazine on NaIO3 induced rat retinal pigment epithelium degeneration

http://www.cnophol.com 2010-7-27 14:50:15 中华眼科在线


  Figure 2 Ocular fundus and fluorescein angiogram on NaIO3 treated BN rats (略)

  A: retinograph of 30mg/kg NaIO3 treated BN rat at day 28; B: fluorescein angiogram of 30mg/kg NaIO3 treated BN rat at day 28; C: retinograph of 40mg/kg NaIO3 treated BN rat at day 7; D: fluorescein angiogram of 40mg/kg NaIO3 treated BN rat at day 7; E: retinograph of 40mg/kg NalO3 treated BN rat at day 8

  Figure 3 Histology of retina on NaIO3 treated BN rat eyes (略)

  A: 20mg/kg NaIO3 at 28 days;B: 30mg/kg NaIO3 at 28 days;C: 40mg/kg NaIO3 at 14 days

  Figure 4 Autofluorescence of RPE cells in flatmount induced by laser and measured with confocal microscope(略)

  A:normal RPE cells; B: 30mg/kg NaIO3 at 7 days; C: 40mg/kg NaIO3 at 7 days

  Figure 5 ARPE19 cells proliferation rate after 48hour treatment with NaIO3(略)

  aP<0.05 ,bP<0.01, vs Control

  Figure 6 Effects of hydralazine eyedrops on 35mg/kg NaIO3(略) 

  induced RPE degeneration in rat eyes aP<0.05,bP<0.01, vs Normal, dP<0.01, vs NaIO3

  Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Prof N.S. Peachey, J. Wu, and M. Yu for invaluable assistance in dcERG equipment assembling and measurement. Supported in party by MacuClear, Inc.


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