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http://www.cnophol.com 2010-4-6 15:07:36 中华眼科在线

  The effective part of Buddleja is flavonoids and 8 kinds of flavonoid compounds are available after being detached[7]. Eyes have been proven to be the target organs of sex hormone. It is confirmed that androgen receptor is widely present in the lacrimal gland, cornea and other ocular tissues of human[8], rabbit and mouse; Lacrimal gland epithelial cells are target cells of androgen; AR exists in the acinar and tubular epithelial cells nucleus. Androgen and flavonoids are polyphenolic heterocyclic compounds, which can combine with the AR taking advantage of the similarity of its chemical structure.

  The current study has shown that some flavonoid compounds have the androgenlike effects [9]and can be used to treat certain diseases due to the decrease of androgen levels , such as osteopenia[10] and so on. Study using radioactive tracer marking method also shows that flavonoids is the LATs of cell AR and have biological effects combined with cell AR [11]. It shows that the flavonoids contained in Buddleja should also be combined with AR to produce androgenlike effects to treat diseases due to the decrease of androgen level ,including the disease of dry eye. This treatment is in line with Western medical pathogen and pathology based on Western medical theory. Therefore the flavonoids contained in Buddleja combined with cell AR is the ideal alternative to androgen for treatment of dry eyes.

  Animalmodel adopts the castrate method. Considering the inevitable trend of declining of androgen level, androgenlike effects cannot be evaluated by the androgen level. But there are androgenreceptors in eye tissues and by analyzing the situation of them; the androgenlike effects can be evaluated by the upward trend of androgen receptor. AR extensively exist in various organs of human body, and their declining can result in the declining of AR level in old mens body and low reaction to androgen[12].

  Measurements are carried out to test AR by using the fiber cells from old mans genitalia, they did turn out that AR were declining in quality and quantity, which makes the syndromes of androgen declining more obvious. This experiment found the mouse in model groups (B1, B2, and B3) after castrating, AR(positive) were lower than blank group by examining of FCM.Similar to the AR situation with old men mentioned above, this means this model is successful. It is reported that androgen has double effects to AR: less concentration[13] testosterone (110nmol/L) will increase the level of AR, androgen can increase the proteins, or changes in ARtranscriptional modification,or increase the stability of the proteins; Intermediate dosage will increase the gene expression of AR, high intensive testosterone (100nmol/L(110nmol/L and above) [14]will decrease the level of AR. From this we can see that androgen can adjust from various levels. This experiment found the mouse in treating groups (C1, C2, and C3) treated by eye drops made from extract of Buddleja officinalis in lacrimal gland after castrating and examined by FCM,there is a pronouncing increase in positive AR rate compared with model groups( B1, B2, and B3 ). The reason may be the sound androgenlike effects of Buddleja officinalis, whose structures are similar to androgen which combined with AR. Yet they are not real androgen, they cannot take place to meet the high concentration level of testosterone, so they can only take effects to form low or intermediate level, so that to increase the level of AR. Besides, positive AR rate castrating treating of 3 months in C3 were comparatively lower than castrating treating of 1 month in C1, which may caused by the tissue gradually adapt to the androgenlike effects of Buddleja officinalis the feedbacks were mitigated.

  Recently, androgen are considered to be more and more important in treating dry eye and considered to be a new way. But to use androgen alone may cause some inevitable side effects such as masculine, acnes and so on. Meanwhile, sex hormones have bieffects and bicontrol each other, to use androgen alone may cause imbalance. Therefore, to find a substitute of androgen to treat dry eye is of special significance. The unique direct or indirect effects of androgenlike effects of Buddleja officinalis in treating dry eye deserve further study.


  1 Ma YQ, Wang CF, Liu MG. Corneal epithelial cell apoptosis and related gene expression in castrated male rabbits with experimental xerophthalmia. Zhonghua Yanke Zazhi 2004;22(3):286289

  2 Peng QH, Yao XL, Wu QL, Chen M. Effects of extract of buddleja officinalis on prevention of dry eye in castrated rabbits. Zhonghua Yanke

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  3 Yao XL, Peng QH, Wu QL. Extract of Buddleja officinalis for dry eye due to castrated rabbits. Yanshiguangxue Zazhi 2008;10(1):2126

  4 Yao XL, Peng QH, Wu QL, Chen M. The study on therapeutic effects of extract of Buddleja officinalis on apoptosis of lacrimal gland induced dry eye in castrated rabbits. Zhongguo Zhongyi Yanke Zazhi 2007;17(3):139144

  5 Li HF, Peng QH, Yao XL, Wang F, Chen JW, Wu QL. Effects of buddleja offcinalis flavone on dry eye syndrome and the expression of ILβ,TNFα in castrated rats. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi) 2009;9(7):12481251

  6 Li CK, Co JH, Peng QH. Ophthalmology of TCM. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House 2001:261

  7 Li JS, Zhao YY, Li XL. Isolation and identification of Buddleja officinalis flavanols. Yaoxue Xuebao 1996;31(11):849854

  8 Wickham LA, Gao J, Toda I, Rocha EM, Ono M, Sullivan DA. Identification of androgen,estrogen and progesterone receptor mRNAs in the eye. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2000;78(2):146153

  9 Huang XL, Zhou YW, Wang W. Development of pharmacological research of herba epimedii flavanoid. Zhongchengyao 2005;27(6):19781

  10 Moyad MA. Complementary therapies for reducing the risk of osteoporosis in patients receiving luteinizing hormonereleasing hormone treatment/orchiectomy for prostate cancer: a review and assessment of the need for more research. Urology 2002;59:3440

  11 Nifli AP, BossonKouame A, Papadopoulou N, Kogia C, Kampa M, Castagnino C, Stournaras C, Vercauteren J, Castanas E. Monomeric and oligomeric flavanols are agonists of membrane androgen receptors. Exp Cell Res 2005;309(2):329339

  12 Guo YL, Li HJ. Male Climacteric Syndrome. Beijing: TCM Technology Publishing House 2005:5158

  13 lin AL, Gill Hc, Jrshain SA. Hormone receptors of the baboon.cardiovascular system.Biochemical characterization of myocardial.cytoplasim androgen receptors. Grc Res 1981;49(4): 10101016

  14 Wu SZ, Lv HS, Wu YX. Effect of androgen on expression of AR and ER gene of smooth muscle of old rabbits. Zhonghua Laonian Yixue Zazhi 2002;1(2):114116

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