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http://www.cnophol.com 2010-3-5 10:15:08 中华眼科在线


  There is a major role of nonsurgical conservative management for consecutive strabismus which includes alternate occlusion, use of prisms and correction of refractive error. Such methods are quite successful in the subjects with consecutive deviation less than 15PD. There is usually spontaneous regression in comitant consecutive strabismus with small deviations. The patients with the deviation less than 15PD should be observed for few weeks after first surgery. Surgical intervention is considered for those who do not follow conservative treatment, or there is no improvement in the deviation after six months of primary surgical procedure. The deviations of more than 15PD usually require second surgery[11]. In this series two children with consecutive esotropia of less than 15PD were advised for alternate occlusion. Sometimes it becomes hard enough to reoperate on the muscles that were operated during the first surgery to get the eyes visually aligned. Burke[12] suggested the horizontal muscle surgery on opposite eye for the patients underwent monocular muscle recession and resection in first surgery. This study also followed the same technique, the repeat surgery was performed on second dominant eye which was saved during first surgery.In different studies the success rate of secondary surgical procedure for consecutive strabismus was reported as 78%[13] and 88%[14]. According to Park et al[15] the surgical outcome of consecutive squint was 100% successful. In this study, 80.0% (eight subjects) achieved successful surgical outcome at the last followup.

  Sometimes there is an increased tendency of developing a consecutive deviation particularly after lateral rectus muscle advancement in consecutive esotropia of larger deviations. Therefore the operating surgeon has to be very careful before planning the amount of muscle adjustment and surgical technique[16]. The increasing rate of consecutive strabismus strongly favors augmented muscle correction at the time of primary surgical intervention particularly in larger deviations of more than 65PD.

   1 Arora A, Williums B, Arora AK. Decreasing strabismus surgery. Br J Ophthamol 2005;89:409412

  2 Abrahamsson M, Magnusson G, Sjostrand J. Inheritance of strabismus and the gain of using heredity to determine population at risk of developing strabismus. Eye 2002;16:519521

  3 Hu DN. Prevalence and mode of inheritance of major genetic eye diseases in China. J Med Genet 1987;24:584588

  4 Donnelly UM, Stewart NM, Hollinger M. Prevalence and outcomes of childhood visual disorders. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2005;12:243250

  5 Dana Robaei, Kathryn A.Rose, Annette Kifley. Factors Associated With Childhood Strabismus: Findings from a PopulationBased Study. Ophthalmology 2006;(113):11461153

  6 H.R Awan and T. Ahsan. Prevalence of Visual Impairment and Eye Diseases In Afghan Refugees in Pakistan. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 1998;4(3):560566

  7 Nisar Ahmed, A.H Aamir, Iqbal Hussain, Shoukat Ghulam. Annual Prevalence of Various Diseases in Hospitalized Patients in a Tertiary Level Teaching Hospital at Peshawar. Pak J Med Res 2004;43(4):166171

  8 Hardesty HH, Bonyton JR, Keenan JP. Treatment of intermittent exotropia. Arch Ophthalmol 1978;96:268274

  9 Cho YA, Kang SM, Roh GH. Asymmetric bilateral lateral recti recession in intermittent exotropia. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 1999;40:544549

  10 von Noorden GK. Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility. 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002:371372

  11 Hardesty HH. Treatment of overcorrected intermittent exotropia. Am J Ophthalmol 1968;66:8086

  12 Burke MJ. Intermittent exotropia. In: Nelson LB, Wagner RS, editors. International Ophthalmology Clinics. v. 25. Boston: Brown and Company; 1985. chap. 4

  13 Son AN, Park SC, Lee WR. Clinical study of consecutive esotropia. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 1990;31:13281334

  14 Kim SJ, Lee SH, Woo KH. The surgical correction of consecutive esotropia. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 1994;35:332336

  15 Park HS, Kim JB, Seo MS, Park YG. A study on the consecutive esotropia after intermittent exotropia surgery. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 1994;35:13271334

  16 SeHwan Jung, SangHoon Rah. The Clinical Course of Consecutive Esotropia after Surgical Correction. Korean J Ophthalmol 2007;21(4):228231

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