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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-10-20 9:44:55 中华眼科在线


  解剖科学进展 2000年第2期第6卷 原著

  作者:程欣 郑达人

  单位:程欣(暨南大学医学院组织学胚胎学教研室);郑达人(人体解剖学教研室 广州510632)


  摘 要:目的:通过结扎双侧颈总动脉造成大鼠视网膜不完全性缺血,用TUNEL及免疫组化方法观察视网膜细胞凋亡和bcl-2的表达。结果:缺血1天即见节细胞层和内核层出现凋亡细胞,7天在外核层也出现;高峰时间是缺血14天,术后60天仍可见凋亡细胞。缺血1天Mulle’s细胞内侧部bcl-2表达明显,7天着色区域扩大至Mulle’s细胞外侧部,14天阳性反应局限于Mulle’s细胞内侧部,并且着色明显,持续至缺血30天。缺血60天bcl-2表达明显减弱。结论:细胞凋亡参与视网膜缺血损伤,缺血后bcl-2表达增强是细胞防御功能增强的体现。

  The Cell Apoptosis and Bcl-2 Gene Expression in Incomplete Ischemic Retina in the Rat

  cheng Xin(Department of Histology %26 Embryology)

  zheng Daren(Department of Anatomy, Medical College, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632)

  Abstract:Purpose: A model of 2VO, which can reduce the retinal blood flow, was used to give an ischemic insult to the rat retina. The apoptosis during the retinal ischemia was detected by tUNEL. Immunohistochemical technique as used for the localization of bcl-2 in retina. Results: The poptotic cells were present in INL and GCL on 1 day, and in ONL on 7 day. The peak of apoptotic cell’s numbers appeared on 14 day, and lasted 60 days postischemia. The expression of bcl-2 gene increased obviously on 1 day postischemia in the inner side cytoplasm of Muller’s cell, on 7 day, the positive staining extended into the outer side cytoplasm of Muller’s cell. On 14 day, it appeared that the bcl-2 positive staining was shown only in some cells in GCL and the inner side cytoplasm of Muller’s cell, namely those processes in GCL and endfeet, the positive staining in the outer side cytoplasm of Muller’s cell was not evident, and lasted 30 days. The bcl-2 immunoreactivity sharply dropped on 60 day. Conclusions: Appoptosis played an important role in ischemic cell loss. The increase in bcl-2 immunostaining of retina after ischmic insult implied the enhancement of defensive function.

  Keywords:retina; ischemia; apoptosis; bcl-2参考文献:

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