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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-16 19:33:38 中华眼科在线


  Estimation suggests that there are approximately 125 million contact lens wearers worldwide where the United States alone may have as many as 38 million contact lens wearers [9, 10]. With millions of individuals wearing contact lenses, even a small percentage of complications create a major public health problem [24].

  Our study population forms a majority of female students which are gendercomparable to other studies in this age group [9, 11, 12]. The median duration of contact lens wear among our participants was 3 years. For the current pair of lens, the mean duration was 30(2.5) days and the daily use was almost up to 10 hours.

  Pritchard et al[13]  found that frequent replacement of soft lenses for daily wear as compared to nonreplacement daily wearing is reported less likely to cause contact lensinduced complications and improves satisfaction with lens wearing. Besides the association of length of wear with bacterial colonization, the duration of lens wearing is also associated with other physiological alterations. Simon et al[14] reported that the severity of cytological changes increased with duration of lens wearing.

  An increasing span of contact lens wearing has been associated with the morphological changes in the corneal endothelium. Contact lens wearing also caused increased corneal thinning proportional to the duration of contact lens wearing [15]. These findings indicated that with the increase of duration of lens wear and the morphological and cytological changes, wearers are susceptible to infections, especially true with the presence of pathogenic bacteria such as Pseudomonas sp.S. aureus and other gram negative bacteria. Manifestations related to contact lens wearing like dry eye, red eye, foreign body sensation or grittiness, itchiness, blurred vision and watery eyes are among common associated problems with contact lens wearing [13, 16].

  We isolated 82% bacteria from the lenses and 32% from storage solutions. In majority of contact lens contamination by one type of bacteria was predominant (Figure 2). Isolation of bacterial colonies in our samples shows close similarity with previous findings [1, 58, 1620].
The most common gram positive bacteria isolated from the contact lenses is coagulase negative staphylococcus which is also a normal constituent of ocular microbiota [14, 1722]. Pseudomonas sp. and  Serratia sp.  are the two most common gram negative bacteria being isolated [1, 5, 6, 19]. However, these bacteria were isolated infrequently and showed a low isolation frequency.

  The colonization of contact lenses with the normal ocular microbiota may indicate that the most likely source of bacteria Figure 2Number of different species of bacteria (in percentage) isolated from contact lenses and solutions
is the lid margin which was introduced during the handling of lens or during normal daily wearing, as previously suggested [18, 21, 22]. Other practices, such as rubbing or touching the area around the eyes during contact lens wearing, may also cause the colonization of bacteria on the surface of contact lenses.

  Whereas the colonization by gram negative bacteria is proposed to be originated from domestic water supply [18]. These microorganisms are waterborne bacteria and occur naturally in water droplets. Another potential source of bacteria is the lens cases. Devonshire et al[2325] . Shows that cases used with conventional wearing and disposable systems were both contaminated which may lead to colonization.

  Our study also showed contaminated storage solutions with coagulase negative staphylococcus predominating. There are also other bacteria isolated from storage solutions but are in a lower frequency (Figure 1). The presence of microorganisms in storage solutions raised the questions of the efficacy of these agents in disinfection properties [26, 27]. Donzis et al [26] found that 13% of commercial contact lens care solutions were contaminated. They also reported that contaminated commercial solutions were opened and used for a longer period of time than uncontaminated solutions. The contaminating bacteria are thought to have been introduced to the lens storage as a result of lens handling and subsequent failure to disinfect lenses [6, 2427].
The fact that lenses were colonized by normal ocular microbiota during uncomplicated wear supports that these bacteria could be nonpathogenic. Colonization of the lens surface with bacteria that are commensal to the eye may inhibit the adhesion of pathogenic species to the lens [1, 18, 20].

  However, essential knowledge regarding contact lens and its accessories and hygienic practice when handling them are imperative to prevent undesirable adverse effects from contact lens wearing. Strict adherence to the manufacturers guidelines may reduce the rate of highly morbid complications.


  The authors would like to acknowledge laboratory staff of the Medical Microbiology Department, School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, for their assistance during the period of the study and all the undergraduate students of the Health Campus, School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, who have participated in this study.


    1 Willcox MD, Harmis N, Cowell , Williams T, Holden. Bacterial interactions with contact lenses; effects of lens material, lens wear and microbial physiology. Biomaterials 2001;22(24):32253247

  2 Emedicine [homepage on the Internet]. Contact Lens Complications [cited on January 26, 2007]. Available from: http://www.emedicine.com/OPH/topic651.htm

  3 Nortje B. Disadvantages and Eye Problems from Contact Lens [article on the Internet ]. 2003 [cited on 2006 February 12]. Available from : http://www.billnortje.co.za/contact_lenses.htm

  4 Giese MJ, Weissman BA. Contact lens associated corneal infections. Where do we go from here? Clin Exp Optom 2002;85(3):141148

  5 Borazjani RN, Levy B, Ahearn DG. Relative primary adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens and Staphylococcus aureus to HEMAtype contact lenses and an extended wear silicone hydrogel contact lens of high oxygen permeability. Cont Lens Anterior Eye2004;(1):38

  6 Holden BA, La Hood D, Grant T, NewtonHowes J, BaleriolaLucas C, Willcox MD, Sweeney DF. Gramnegative bacteria can induce contact lens related acute red eye (CLARE) responses. CLAO J1996;22(1):4752

  7 Sankaridurg PR, Willcox MD, Sharma S , Gopinathan U, Janakiraman D, Hickson S, Vuppala N, Sweeney DF, Rao GN, Holden BA. Haemophilus influenzae adherent to contact lenses associated with production of acute ocular inflammation. Journal of Clinical Microbiology1996;34(10):24262431

  8 Sankaridurg PR, Sharma S, Willcox M, Sweeney DF, Naduvilath TJ, Holden BA, Rao GN. Colonization of hydrogel lenses with Streptococcus pneumoniae: risk of development of corneal infiltrates. Cornea1999;8(3):289295

  9 Barr JT. Contact Lens Spectrums annual report of major corporate and product developments and events in the contact lens industry in 2004, as well as predictions for 2005 [article on the Internet cited on 2006 March 3].Available from http://www.clspectrum.com/article.aspx?article=12733

  10 Contact Lens Statistics [article on the Internet] 2004 [cited on 2006 April 1]. Available from: http://www.eyetopics.com/Articles/8/1/ContactLensStatistics.aspx

  11 de Oliveira PR, TemporiniNastari ER, Ruiz Alves M, KaraJosé N. Selfevaluation of contact lens wearing and care by college students and health care workers. Eye Contact Lens2003;29(3):164167

  12 Yung MS, Boost M, Cho P, Yap M. Microbial contamination of contact lens and lens care accessories o soft lens wearers (university students) in Hong Kong. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt2007;27(1):1121

  13 Pritchard N, Fonn D, Weed K. Ocular and subjective responses to frequent replacement of daily wear soft contact lenses. CLAO J1996;22(1):5359

  14 Simon P, Jaison SG, Chopra SK, Jacob S. Conjunctival impression cytology in contact lens wearers. Indian J Ophthalmol2002;50(4):301306

  15 Chang SW, Hu FR, Lin LL. Effects of contact lenses on corneal endotheliuma morphological and functional study. Ophthalmologica2001;215(3):197203

  16 Dumbleton K. Adverse events with silicone hydrogel continuous wear. Cont Lens Anterior Eye2002;25(3):137146

  17 Leitch EC, Harmis NY, Corrigan KM, Willcox MD. Identification and enumeration of staphylococci from the eye during soft contact lens wear. Optom Vis Sci1998;75(4):25865

  18 Fleiszig SMJ, Efron N. Microbial flora in eyes of current and former contact lens wearers. J Clin Microbiol1992;30(5):11561161

  19 Dang YN, Rao A, Kastl PR, Blake RC Jr, Schurr MJ, Blake DA . Quantifying Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion to contact lenses. Eye Contact Lens2003;29(2):6568

  20 Willcox MD, Power KN, Stapleton F, Leitch C, Harmis N, Sweeney DF .Potential sources of bacteria that are isolated from contact lenses during wear. Optom Vis Sci1997;74(12):10301038

  21 MowreyMcKee MF, Monnat K, Sampson HJ, Smith CM, Davies GA, Mandt L, Proskin HM. Microbial contamination of hydrophilic contact lenses. Part I: Quantitation of microbes on patient wornandhandled lenses. CLAO J1992;18(2):8791

  22 Willcox MD, Harmis NY, Holden BA. Bacterial populations on highDk silicone hydrogel contact lenses: effect of length of wear in asymptomatic patients. Clin Exp Optom2002;85(3):172175

  23 Stapleton F, Willcox MD, Fleming CM, Hickson S, Sweeney DF, Holden BA. Changes to the ocular biota with time in extended and dailywear disposable contact lens use. Infect Immun1995;63(11):45014505

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  25 Devonshire P, Munro FA, Abernethy C, Clark BJ. Microbial contamination of contact lens cases in the west of Scotland. Br J Ophthalmol1993;77(1):4145

  26 Donzis PB, Mondino BJ, Weissman BA, Bruckner DA. Microbial contamination of contact lens care systems. Am J Ophthalmol1987;104(4):325333

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