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Induction of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells In ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-1 11:18:20 中华眼科在线

  角膜结膜及泪器病             2608                                      PO0340

  Induction of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells In Vivo on Damaged Cornea in Rabbits and Application for Reconstruction of Damaged Cornea in Rabbits

  马宁 王智崇 刘敬波 梁轩伟 胥莹

  广州中山眼科中心 510060

  Purpose  In this study, the optimal condition for induction of differentiation of epithelial progenitor cells from embryonic stem cells (ES) in vitro and in vivo was determined for use in transplantation to damaged cornea in rabbits.
Methods  Mouse ES cell line (ES-GFP) were cultured in flasks coated with type Ⅳcollagen, and were pre-induced with retinoic acid(RA). The optimal condition for pre-induction of epithelial progenitor cells from ES-GFP in vitro and in vivo was determined, and the progenitors were transplanted onto rabbit eyes on which corneal epithelia had been damaged by exposing to n-heptanol.

  Results Mouse ES-GFP cells were pre-induced by RA for 2 hours, and completely re-epithelialization of the corneal surface occurred within a month after transplantation. The resultant corneal epithelial cells expressed Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP) of the grafted cells, and no teratomata were observed during the following 2 months period.

  Conclusions  Epithelia were successfully induced in vitro and in vivo from ES cells and were applicable as grafts for treating corneal epithelial injury. ES cells may become an unlimited donor source of corneal epithelial cells for corneal transplantation and may restore useful vision in patients with a deficiency of corneal limbal epithelial cells. This is an important first trial toward differentiating ES cells in vivo on damaged cornea to reconstruct corneal epithelial cells.


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  • 更多关于(眼睛,中华眼科在线,2006,第十一届眼科学术大会,眼科学术论文,角膜结膜及泪器病)的信息




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