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Ultrasonic power reduction using Different ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-21 10:54:26 中华眼科在线

  白内障             1907                                      PO0031

  Ultrasonic power reduction using Different vacuum during phacoemulsification with NeoSoniX ultrasound


  广东省人民医院眼科 510080

  Ultrasonic power reduction using Different vacuum during phacoemulsification with NeoSoniX ultrasound
Haike GUO, Hongyang Zhang, Haiying Jin.

  Purpose: To evaluate the difference in consumption of ultrasound (US) energy between different vacuum with NeoSoniX_ (Alcon) in conjunction with US (NeoSonix US)

  Setting: the department of ophthalmology, Guangdong Province Peoples’ Hospital, Guangzhou, China

  Methods:  This prospective randomized study comprised 400 consecutive eyes having phacoemulsification with the Alcon Infiniti Vision system at the department of ophthalmology, Guangdong Province Peoples’ Hospital. Two groups of 200 eyes each were formed based on cataract grade according to the Emery classification: grade 2 and 3 nuclear sclerosis (Group A) and grade 4 and 5 nuclear sclerosis (Group B). In each group, 100 eyes had phacoemulsification using vacuum of 600mmHg, and 100 eyes, using vacuum of 300mmHg.The other parameters of machine is the same, and both are Neosonix burst mode, using the phaco-chop technique. Intraoperative measurements included machine-measured US time and mean US power. Effective phaco time (EPT) was calculated by multiplying the US time and mean US power and dividing the product by 100. The unpaired Student t test was used to evaluate the differences between NeoSoniX US and US alone. The corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated.

  Results: In Group A, the mean US time was 7.31seconds with vacuum of 600mmHg, and13.69 seconds with vacuum of 300mmHg ((P<.05 ). The mean US power was 7.63% and10.32%, respectively (P < .05), and the mean EPT was 38.33 seconds and 55.94 seconds, respectively (P < .001). In Group B, the mean US time was 29.63 seconds with vacuum of 600mmHg and 40.43 seconds with vacuum of 300mmHg (P< .001), the mean EPT was 28.37 seconds and 35.15 seconds, respectively (P < .000), and the EPT was 17.5% and 32.6% less with 600mmHg than with 300mmHg in Group A and Group B, respectively.

  Conclusions: Ultrasound energy consumption with high vacuum (>600mmHg) was significantly less than with ordinary vacuum(300mmHg or less). Using high vacuum and Combining NeoSoniX and US significantly reduced the consumption of US energy.



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  • 更多关于(眼睛,中华眼科在线,2006,第十一届眼科学术大会,眼科学术论文,白内障)的信息



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