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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-29 13:45:20 中华眼科在线

【摘要】  目的:总结发展中国家教学医院的白内障手术现状,探讨怎样在减少白内障致盲率方面达到视觉2020计划的目标。方法:通过计算机化白内障手术病例表收集从2006 01/12期间在我院手术的成人白内障病例资料。不包括外伤性白内障。应用SSPS 11.0版本分析数据。结果:在研究期间,3名眼科医生对67眼实施白内障手术。囊外白内障摘除联合后房人工晶状体植入术占95.5%。12wk随访期间,74.5%患者的最好视力为6/66/18,13.7%<6/18 6/60,11.8%<6/60。结论:在尼日利亚这样的发展中国家的教学医院中,白内障手术的比率很低。这就需要提高大多数眼科医生工作的教学医院的白内障手术服务。在教学医院中实施的白内障手术应该是低成本或免费的。大量的手术是很好的锻炼,将带来好的效果。

【关键词】  白内障手术;教学医院;发展中国家


  AIM: To review the cataract surgery services in a teaching hospital in a developing country with a view to assessing how a teaching hospital can contribute to achieving the goals of the Vision 2020 programme with respect to decreasing cataract blindness.

  METHODS: The computerised cataract surgery record form was used to collect data on adult cataract surgery performed at Enugu State University of Sciences and Technology (ESUT) Teaching Hospital Parklane, Enugu, Nigeria over a 12 monthperiod (from January 2006 to December 2006). Traumatic cataracts were excluded. Data was analyzed using SSPS version 11.0.

  RESULTS: A total of 67 eyes had cataract operation during the study period. Three ophthalmologists did these. Majority (95.5%) had abexterno extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior chamber intraocular lens implanted (ECCE + PCIOL). At 12 weeks of follow up post operatively, 74.5% had best corrected vision of 6/66/18, 13.7% had <6/186/60 while 11.8% had <6/60.

  CONCLUSION: The volume of cataract surgeries performed in a teaching hospital in a developing country like Nigeria is low. There is need for improved service delivery to improve the uptake of cataract surgery services in the teaching hospitals where majority of the ophthalmologists are working. Cataract surgery in teaching hospitals should be made free or offered at minimal cost. High volume surgery will translate to better training and better outcome.

  KEYWORDS:cataract surgery; teaching hospital; developing country


Cataract is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. It is one of the priority diseases addressed by the Vision 2020 programmea joint initiative of the World Health Organization and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness.

  The cataract surgery rate in Africa is low[1,2]. Fear of surgery, high cost of surgery, waiting for free surgery and poor visual results are some of the documented barriers to uptake of cataract surgery[24].

  The number of cataract blind persons is expected to increase over the years due to increasing longevity. If measures are not taken to improve cataract surgery uptake, the cataract backlog will continue to increase over time. Better utilisation of available resources has been advocated as the first step towards curtailing low uptake of cataract surgery services[5].

  In this connection, the present study reviewed the cataract surgery services in a Nigerian teaching hospital with a view to assessing ways it can contribute to achieving the goals of the Vision 2020 programme with respect to decreasing cataract blindness.

[1] [2] [3] 下一页


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