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Experiment study on radial optic neurotomy in cats

http://www.cnophol.com 2008-2-14 16:17:09 中华眼科在线



    The distance between limbus and pars plana was 6.8mm- 8.6mm. The thickness of perioptic nerve of eyeball wall was (0.78±0.06)mm. The diameter of optic disc was (1.3±0.11) mm. The diameter of optic nerve was (2.2±0.3)mm.

    HE Staining  After operation, the incision came into being and local hemorrhage infiltrated into the circumambience and backside. At the 1st day, no damage of the major vessel wall was found in histological examination of the optic nerve demonstrated foci of hemorrhage, reactive gliosis and inflammatory cells (Figure 1). Histological micrography of longitudinal insection of optic nerve at the 1st day after RON showed the haemorrhage caused by the incision connected with cerebral pialmater of orbital optic nerve(Figure 2). At the 30th day, incision was fusiform and hyperplastic neuroglia cells and fibroblasts aggreated at the incision(Figure 3). At the 90th day, a discrete scar reached the cribriform meshwork and sclera was noted. No neovascularization was present.

    Figure 1 Histological micrography of transverse insection of lamina cribrosa at 1st day after RON, lamina cribrosa, scleral ring and sclera were cut sharply. The contraction of fiber bundle made the incision open. There is no damage to adjacent vessel wall(hematoxylin-eosin×100)

    Figure 2 Histological micrography of longitudinal insection of optic nerve at 1st day after RON, The haemorrhage caused by the insicionincision  connected with cerebral pialmater of orbital optic nerve. (hematoxylin-eosin×100)

    Figure 3 Histological micrography of transverse insection of lamina cribrosa at 30th day after RON, the open angle became blunt, the hyperplastic neuroglia cell increased in septa of lamina cribrosa. (hematoxylin-eosin×100)

    Picrosirus Red Staining  The incision had the surgical intervals with the subarachnoid spaces clearly(Figure 4). Histological micrography of longitudinal section at 1st day after RON indicated the incision connected with cerebral subarachnoid space of orbital optic nerve(Figure 5). At the 15th day, the shape of incision was fusiform and the widest part was at the site of scleral ring and the fibres moved closer to each other(Figure 6). At the 30th day, there was obvious proliferation of  type and  type fibril at the site of the incision. The aligned texture of collagen fibril of the lamina cribrosa near the incision moved close to each other. At the 90th day,  type fibril confirmed the presence of a healed scar at the neurotomy site(Figure 7).

    Figure 4 Histological micrography of transverse insection of of optic nerve at 1st day after RON, the insicion connected with cerebral pialmater of orbital optic nerve. arrow head (picrosirus red×100)

    Figure 5 Histological micrography of longitudinal insection at 1st day after RON, arrow head indicatess the insicion connected with cerebral pialmater of intraocular optic nerve. (picrosirus red×100)

    Figure 6 Histological micrography of transverse insection of lamina cribrosa at 15th day after RON, The appearance  of the incision is fusiform. The arrow head indicates the fibres moved closer to each other. (picrosirus red×100)

    Figure 7 Histological micrography of transverse insection of lamina cribrosa at 90th day after RON, 、 type collagen fulfilled in incision. The shape of adjacent pore restored. (picrosirus red×100)

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