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http://www.cnophol.com 2007-12-11 15:28:37 中华眼科在线

眼部手术    ocular operations           特殊缝线special suture
眼睑手术    operations of eyelids
眼睑肿物切除术    excision of eyelids tumors
眼睑结膜裂伤缝合术    eyelids and conjunctiva laceration sutura
内眦韧带断裂修复术    reattachment of lacerated medial canthal ligament 
上睑下垂矫正术    correction of ptosis  
睑下垂矫正联合眦整形术   correction of ptosis and canthoplasty
睑退缩矫正术   Correction of eyelid retraction(Correction of lid retraction)" "包括上睑、下睑;包括  
睑内翻矫正术  correction of entropion 缝线法 suturing technique
睑外翻矫正术   correction of ectropion
睑裂缝合术   blepharorrhaphy
游离植皮睑成形术   free skin grafting and blepharoplasty"  
内眦赘皮矫治术   correction of epicanthus
重睑成形术 construction of double eyelid" "包括切开法、非缝线法;不含内外眦成形
including incision,non-suturing technique; excluding medial and lateral canthoplasty
激光重睑整形术  laser construction of double eyelid
双行睫矫正术   correction of distichiasis
眼袋整形术  baggy eyelids plasty 
内外眦成形术   Medial and lateral canthoplasty  
睑凹陷畸形矫正术     eyelid invagination orthopedic procedure

睑缘粘连术    ankyloblepharon
泪器手术   operations of lacrimal apparatus
泪阜部肿瘤单纯切除术  lacrimal caruncle tumor simple excision 
泪小点外翻矫正术   correction of eversion of the punctum" 

泪小管吻合术   Nasolacrimal anastomosis
泪囊摘除术    dacryocystectomy
睑部泪腺摘除术   palpebral lacrimal gland extraction
泪囊结膜囊吻合术   Conjunctivodacryocystotomy
鼻腔泪囊吻合术    dacryocystorhinostomy
鼻泪道再通术   nasolacrimal duct probing
激光泪道成形术  laser lacryocystoplasty
结膜手术 operations of conjunctiva  
睑球粘连分离术  correction of symblepharon

结膜肿物切除术   excision of conjunctival tumors  
结膜淋巴管积液清除术  conjunctival lymphatic vessel fluidify cleaning 
结膜囊成形术   plasty of conjunctival sac
球结膜瓣复盖术   covering technique with bulbar conjunctiva flap"  "羊膜amnion"
麦粒肿切除术   hordeolum ectomy" "包括切开术including incision" 
下穹窿成形术   lower fornix plasty
球结膜放射状切开冲洗+减压术     bulbar conjunctiva radial incision combined irrigate and decompression" 
角膜手术   corneal operations  
表层角膜镜片镶嵌术   Epikeratoplasty(Epikeratophakia)  "供体角膜片donor's cornea"
近视性放射状角膜切开术   myopic radial keratotomy"  
角膜缝环固定术  suturing fixation of corneal ring
角膜拆线   corneal sutures out" "指显微镜下refer to use surgical microscope" 
角膜基质环植入术   Intrastromal coneal ring segment
角膜深层异物取出术    extraction of foreign body in deep layer of cornea  

翼状胬肉切除术    excision of pterygium(resection of pterygium)
翼状胬肉切除+角膜移植术 excision of pterygium and keratoplasty
角膜白斑染色术  corneal leukoma staining
角膜移植术   keratoplasty" "包括穿透、板层including penetrating, lameller" "供体donor"
羊膜移植术(巩膜移植术) amniotic membrane(sclera) grafting"  "供体donor"
角膜移植联合视网膜复位术   keratoplasty and repositio retinae"  
瞳孔再造术  coreoplasty"  "特殊缝线、粘弹剂special suture, viscoelastic materials
虹膜、睫状体、巩膜和前房手术   iris,cilliary body and anterior chamber operations
虹膜全切除术   complete iridectomy(total iridectomy
虹膜周边切除术   Peripheral iridectomy
虹膜根部离断修复术  repair of iridodialysis
虹膜贯穿术   transfixio iridis
虹膜囊肿切除术  Excision of iris cyst
人工虹膜隔植入术   implantation of iris black diaphragm intraocular lens"  "人工虹膜隔、粘弹剂iris black diaphragm intraocular lens,viscoelastic materials"




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