精彩推荐:青光眼 白内障 近视 远视 散光 斜视弱视 角膜溃疡 角膜炎 沙眼 眼外伤 更多疾病
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http://www.cnophol.com 2007-11-16 8:57:09 中华眼科在线

压力锅消毒器械                   cooking pots for sterilizing instruments
压陷式眼压计                     indentation tonometers
盐溶液                           saline solution
眼保护罩                         protective eye shields
眼部感染                         eye infections
眼部检查                         examination of eyes
眼底                             fundus
眼底镜检查                       ophthalmoscopy
眼垫                             eye pads
眼睑                             eyelids
眼介质                           ocular media
眼镜                             spectacles
眼科学,                         ophthalmology,
眼科医师                         ophthalmologists
眼眶                             orbit
眼轮匝肌                         orbicularis oculi muscle
眼内金属异物                     metallic intraocular foreign body
眼内炎                           endophthalmitis
眼内炎症                         intraocular inflammation
眼内异物                         intraocular foreign bodies
眼球                             eyeball
眼球表面伤                       surface injuries to eyeball
眼球穿通伤                       penetration injuries of eyeball
眼球筋膜                         Tenon’s capsule
眼球痨                           phthisis bulbi
眼球破裂                         ruptured globe
眼球摘除术                       enucleation
眼生理                           physiology of eye
眼外肌                           extraocular muscles
眼压测量                         tonometry
眼压计                           tonometers
眼罩                             eye shields
夜盲                             night blindness
乙胺嗪枸橼酸盐(抗丝虫药)         diethylcarbamazine citrate
乙膦硫胆碱(缩瞳剂)               echothiophate
异凡曼霉素(杀寄生虫药)           ivermectin (Mectizan)
异物                             foreign bodies
翼状胬肉                         pterygium
阴虱                             crab louse,phthirus pubis
饮食史                           dietary history
荧光素                           fluorescein
营养不良                         malnutrition
营养性盲                         nutritional blindness
营养学家                         nutritionists
瘀斑                             ecchymosis
预防                             prevention
预防新生儿淋病眼的方法(1%硝酸银) Crede prophylaxis
预防性眼保健                     preventive eye care
远视眼                           far-sightedness , hyperopia
云翳                             nebula

粘连                             synechiae 
针拨术                           couching
针孔试验                         pinhole test
真菌性角膜溃疡                   fungal corneal ulcer
正常眼压青光眼                   normal-pressure glaucoma
正视眼                           emmetropia
蜘蛛咬伤                         spider bites
植物                             vegetable matter
制霉菌素                         nystatin
致盲性沙眼                       blinding trachoma
致盲性营养不良                   blinding malnutrition
痣                               nevus
中间技术                         intermediate technology
中央视力                         central vision
周边虹膜切除术                   peripheral iridectomy
猪尾状探针                       vpigtail probe
主觉验光                         subjective refraction
助产士                           midwives
注吸器                           infusion-aspiration syringes
锥体                             cones
紫外光                           ultraviolet light
自动验光仪                       autorefractors
眦                               canthi
综合屈光检查仪                   phoropters


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